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Have you ever wanted to hear a word from the Lord?

That's exactly what happened to AuDera Clark in March of 2020. She was awoken in the early morning hours and an angel told her what to do next. And what God revealed to her is valuable for us as well.
We talked about this earlier with Terance on the FXMissions Leadership Moment (episode 213, episode 214, and episode 215). However, this time we’re able to hear from AuDera as well.
It started in the early morning.
AuDera was in bed, asleep. Suddenly, an angel appeared in her bedroom. It wasn't the first time she'd encountered an angel, but it had been a while.
They were in the middle of a 40 day fast. AuDera was weak, and the angel told her that she needed to get up and refresh herself.
She got up and brushed her teeth, got ready, and went to her prayer room.
The first thing the Lord spoke to was humility and posture.
Not knowing what more to do, AuDera began to pray, but quickly the angel shushed her.
Yes…shushed her.
In this, the Lord was teaching her that it was okay to just sit in His presence and to allow things to be simple rather than complicating them. Then He began to reveal how important it is for us to approach the Lord from a posture of humility.
We need to be sure to speak from what we know, not what we think.
The Lord shared that it's important that AuDera not share what she thinks – her opinions. Instead, she should spend time with the Lord to know for sure what His will is and then to speak with clarity and power, from a position of KNOWING.
In this, we must allow the Lord to purify our lips and rest in His sufficiency and wisdom rather than our own efforts or insights.
A new perspective on weakness and unbelief.
One of the more striking things that the Lord revealed in this time was that many of the saints are weak in their faith. And that it's unbelief that causes this weakness.
Unbelief causes unnecessary casualties of the Saints. – Terance Clark
However, the key isn't to “strengthen ourselves.” Rather, we can simply focus on God and allow his refreshing to refresh our souls.
Allow God to refresh your soul.
Refreshing comes from spending time with God – in His Word, and in prayer. Refreshing sometimes also comes from distancing ourselves from the noise – all of the negativity and fear and pursuit of power and fulfillment that is so prevalent all around us.
However, even in the refreshing, there is submission and rest.
We must learn to rest in God. We must allow Him to simplify things, to bring life, and to speak clarity into confusion.
The closer we are to God's glory, the more we see glory. – Scott McClelland
Allow God to rekindle your passion.
As we are refreshed and strengthened in our faith, God rekindles our passion.
He reveals the things that matter to Him. He shifts our focus. And He provides the fuel for our passion. What are your thoughts on what God has shared through AuDera and Terance? Share them in the comments or hit us up on Twitter.
About Terance and AuDera Clark
Terance and AuDera Clark are the founders of Hope For You International and cohosts of the G-Talk Podcast. Their aims are to glorify God, encourage you as you develop your relationship with God, and to help underprivileged children in Africa. You can find them at
About From the Forefront
From the Forefront, interviews with those of the front of Christian missions and ministry. Learn about leadership, life lessons, and more with the monthly, long form podcast brought to you by the creators of the Leadership Moment Podcast, FXMissions.
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